Library Under the Treetops

Every summer, the green public areas in Slovenia and its bordering areas host a network of free reading spaces.


Season in the embrace of treetops


& places




20 Years of Reading

In collaboration with publishers, partners and supporters, we provide free reading, page-turning and enjoyment for all generations. This exceptionally popular summer activity has sprung up in Ljubljana in 2004, and has been growing throughout the years to become a consistent part of public summer equipment in many places.   

Free of Charge

The visit is free of charge and accessible to everyone. The books under the treetops are arranged by thematic scopes and available only for reading on-site. We do not maintain a system of loan. We will be pleased if you return the book to its place after reading it.

The reading units are backed by numerous local partner organisations, taking care of the implementation in their towns. The diverse range of organisations and individuals is coordinated and lead by the Divja misel Institute. Library under the Treetops (Knjižnica pod krošnjami) is a registered trademark.

About Library ➞

The Library

We can be found in thick shades of carefully selected trees. The reading islands spring up across Slovenia and in some instances even across its borders. However – in case of bad weather, we won’t be there!

Locations ➞



  • Library under the Treetops is a network of partner organizations and a registered trademark.

    The Divja misel Institute has designed this project and has been coordinating it on the national level, maintaining its corporate identity and project communication, while directly implementing it only in Ljubljana. Therefore, every unit across Slovenia and over the border is backed by a local partner organization, taking care of the implementation and organization in their own respective place. Our partners are diverse: from municipalities, public institutes, NGOs to private initiatives. Each partner provides their own suitable location, storage in direct vicinity of the Library, finances for the equipment and books, as well as the implementation staff (to set up the Library, manage it and work in it).

    All partners annually contribute to general joint costs for project operations and membership.

    We are always happy to receive new collaboration initiatives!

    You are kindly asked to write to us:, so that we can brainstorm together. :)

  • The Divja misel Institute is a non-profit organization that has designed this project, has been managing it and coordinating it on the national level since the year 2004. The finances for management, organization and other costs of the project have been provided from public subsidies. Thus, the coordination office is funded by the Public Book Agency of the Republic of Slovenia, while every unit has its own supporters and financers. In this sense, the units differ considerably – as do our partner organizations.

    Mostly, the implementation in each town is covered by the municipalities, which are annually addressed by local organizations via public calls for proposals to provide finances within their budgets. In other cases, a combination of private supporters and public financing is provided. A great share of the implementation is made possible due to donations and volunteer workers. Above all however, this entire project would not have been operable without publishing houses and newspapers, who have been donating their latest books, magazines and newspapers year by year from the very beginning.